Demon Face Syndrome

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You’re not alone if you haven’t heard of demon face syndrome. It affects a person’s ability to see another person’s face accurately because the mind often twists their face into having demon features. It’s similar to the filters people use on popular social media platforms that turn them into animals or make them appear to have distorted facial features. Unfortunately, those who have demon face syndrome cannot cause someone’s face to return to normal. 

If you experience hallucinations that affect how you see other people, it may be a symptom of a serious mental health disorder. Renewal Oasis employs therapists with experience in treating mental illnesses like this. We help people differentiate between reality and the false images their mind produces.

What is Demon Face Syndrome? 

Demon face syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that goes by the medical name “Prosopometamorphopsia” or PMO. Less than 100 documented cases of this disorder have been made around the world, making it incredibly rare. The condition affects more women than men, and it has been known to strike people of all ages. Most people find it only affects how they see the faces of other people, while a few reported additional distortions, such as seeing disproportionately shaped body parts.

When someone lives with demon face syndrome, it affects them psychologically. They naturally find it disconcerting to misperceive how others look. Seeing distorted facial features that appear demonic causes a great deal of anxiety and can lead to depression and isolation. This condition can make a person question their own sanity, yet be fearful about telling anyone what they are experiencing. For some, it becomes the trigger to start abusing alcohol or drugs.  

Signs & Symptoms of Demon Face Syndrome 

Because demon face syndrome is so uncommon, it’s important to recognize the signs that someone may have it. While the name suggests a person develops a face with demon-like features or believes others see them that way, the opposite is true. Demon face syndrome causes a person to see others as having demonic or scary faces. Their facial features may appear elongated, rubbery, or deformed in some way. The entire face may look this way or it may be focused on certain areas. 

The way the person’s face appears does not come and go. Instead, the individual with the disorder always sees others with distorted facial features. This condition can make it difficult for someone to recognize even close friends, family members, and co-workers. They know what the person should look like, but the distortion in their brain makes it difficult to tell them apart. 

Causes of Demon Face Syndrome 

There isn’t one specific incident that causes a person to develop demon face syndrome. Contributing factors can include things like being born with a brain injury or sustaining one later in life. The person could also have lesions on their brain. People who have seizures may end up with demon face syndrome. As well, someone with a history of using hallucinogenic drugs puts themselves at risk of developing illnesses that include having hallucinations.  Because so few people have been identified as having this complex disorder, more studies will need to be done to try to isolate additional root reasons someone develops it. 

Can it be Treated?

Because of the newness of recognizing demon face syndrome, programs built specifically to treat it aren’t in place yet. However, a skilled mental health facility can treat it and help minimize the symptoms. The use of talk therapy helps a person unload about how their disorder affects them and discuss realistic treatment goals. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps people who have distorted perceptions learn to recognize them and develop healthy coping skills to use when they occur. 

As part of a thorough assessment prior to treatment, doctors typically recommend tests such as electroencephalograms (EEGs) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). This can help ascertain where the problem lies and guide treatment professionals in compiling a plan of attack. 

Prescription medications can offer some relief for many people. This can include antipsychotic and anticonvulsant medications.  While not all symptoms may dissipate, the right combination of therapy and medications can minimize them and teach the individual how to manage them when they occur.

Does Insurance Cover Treatment for Demon Face Syndrome?

Most insurance companies offer some form of treatment for mental health disorders. While they may not have a specific listing for “demon face syndrome”, it falls under the category of mental illnesses that cause hallucinations or psychosis. Speak to a representative from your insurance company to find out what levels of care they offer.  

Contact Renewal Oasis for Mental Health Treatment in California

Have you or someone you love experienced hallucinations or other distortions in perception? Renewal Oasis treats mental illnesses that cause a person to have a warped perception of their surroundings. We use a variety of therapies to help people recognize reality versus what their brains trick them into imagining. We also provide options for prescription medications that help ease the symptoms of demon face syndrome and other similar disorders. 

Would you like more information about how we treat mental health disorders that include hallucinatory symptoms? Contact us and let’s talk about how we can help you or someone you care about. Help is just a phone call away.