Guide to Overcoming Self-Loathing

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Everyone can have a down day or lack belief in themselves for short bursts of time, but when self-loathing and self-hatred become a permanent pattern, the person needs to find out how to change that. Otherwise, they will have constant difficulty caring about themselves, accomplishing their goals, and enjoying healthy relationships with others.

Renewal Oasis recognizes that not everyone knows how to pull themselves out of a habit of self-hatred. It takes skilled therapists to help people learn to see and love themselves for the beautiful spirits deserving of good things each one is. Our residential and outpatient programs provide a safe space to challenge negative self-perceptions. Whether these derogatory views started in the recent past or back in childhood, we can help turn them around.

Self-Loathing Behavior 

Self-loathing is having a consistent feeling of anger or disgust about one’s self. Even when others try to shore up their feelings, the individual does not believe their positive feedback. Someone who experiences self-loathing will often show signs of it. They and their family and friends may need to know what to look for to identify the behaviors. Common signs that someone loathes themselves include:

  • Constantly insulting themselves
  • Lack of confidence in their ability to do well at tasks
  • Unfairly comparing themselves to others
  • Feeling unworthy of praise or compliments
  • Making self-deprecating comments because they feel others will, so they will say them first
  • Poor communication skills
  • Refusing to believe other people when they tell them they are worthy and have positive traits. 

What is Self-Loathing Caused By? 

It can be difficult to identify why someone experiences self-hatred because so many factors may be in play. The individual may have a tendency to be negative in their self-image, but other things can influence them. A child who grew up in a home where they were insulted, ignored, or abused can take it on board that they have no value. As well, if they have experienced a traumatic event or series of events, it can impact their self-esteem. Some people who feel self-loathing have a mental health disorder that influences this, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder

A person with this condition can have their feelings exacerbated by negative input from others. If they spend time around disparaging family members or friends, or those with no positive outlook on themselves or life, it makes it easier to remain down on themselves. Another contributor to feeling self-hatred can flare up if the person is a perfectionist. They feel if everything they do is not perfect (using their high standards), they must be a failure. 

Problems that Self-Hatred Can Cause in One’s Life 

When self-loathing takes over a person’s life, it doesn’t just mean they live in a bad mood. It often impacts their mental and physical health. They become accustomed to negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors because they get stuck in a rut. This type of long-term way of living makes it difficult for the person to have hope, good self-esteem, and make positive plans for future endeavors. It can also cost a person the joy and positivity of healthy relationships. Their job and school performances can also be degraded compared to what they can accomplish if they get treatment. 

Can Self-Loathing Be Treated? 

While programs directly created to treat self-loathing aren’t common, many treatment programs provide help for this damaging condition through a broader scope of care. If part of the person’s difficulty is connected to having a specific mental health disorder, seeking treatment for it will help relieve the symptoms. 

How So? 

Different types of therapy modalities offer a variety of ways to help rebuild someone’s self-esteem. An initial assessment will guide a therapist or treatment team so they understand which types of therapy will provide the most benefits. Starting with individual therapy gives the person a private place to discuss how they view themselves and dig for the reasons they feel that way. They can work on ways to build their self-image and develop compassion for themselves. 

Group therapy can also add a way for a person to stop hating themselves. Working with others in the same boat helps each person understand the negative narrative they tell themselves and target ways to get out of that mindset. Additionally, mindfulness therapy helps people challenge their self-loathing rather than continue to believe in it. The most common of these types of therapy are Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

Contact Montare Behavioral Health to Treat Self-Loathing Behavior

Do you recognize that self-loathing is your default setting but don’t know how that happened or what to do to fix it? Living with disdain for who you are complicates everything and will not heal on its own. Renewal Oasis employs a staff of sensitive and compassionate expert clinicians who use their training to teach people to love and respect themselves. We offer multiple types of therapy to help teach healthy coping skills and new ways of viewing yourself. We also provide access to prescription medications that can help minimize symptoms of depression, anxiety, and more.

Contact us today and let’s talk about how our programs can make you feel worthy. Our admissions staff can answer all your questions and provide a free insurance check.